Buy Now Pay Later - Incorrect details

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You should know

Many catalogue brands, online shops and some high street shops offer buy now, pay later credit. You get finance on an individual purchase and pay it off over time. A particular type of this, often offered by catalogue brands, is a ‘shopping account’.

This is a bit like a credit card, but without the card - you’re given a credit limit, and you can keep spending up to this maximum amount, provided that you make at least the minimum repayment each month. In other cases, you might be offered what is called ‘instalment credit’. This is basically a loan to finance the purchase - you own the goods from the start, but you pay for them in fixed instalments, either monthly or weekly, over a fixed period.

What happens if something goes wrong with an order?

It depends on the firm. Since most buy now pay later schemes aren’t covered by the Consumer Credit Act, you can’t rely on Section 75.

What will happen next depends on the company providing the scheme.

Some organisations will cancel a debt if something goes wrong with an order.

Others will only refund you if you’ve tried to resolve the issue with the retailer first.

What happens if I miss a repayment?

If you miss a repayment, it could affect your credit report. This depends on the company providing the scheme. Always check the terms and conditions to find out.

In addition, some organisations may charge you fees for late payments.

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Helping you with Incorrect details

Resolver covers the issue Incorrect Details for 85 companies and organisations:

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