How we can help you with your issue with Costa Coffee
Select the service, issue and issue type to get the contact details for your complaint
Phone number
0333 003 5883
Please check with your phone provider if you aren’t sure about how much a call will cost.
Costa Customer Services, Whitbread Court
Houghton Hall Business Park, Porz Avenue
Dunstable, Bedfordshire
Create a case
Get in touch with the company. Explain your issue and if you don't get it resolved you can escalate your case.
What is Resolver?
Our goal
Resolver is a free, independent issue resolution service. We help consumers like you get their voice heard by providing the tools they need to resolve their issues. We don't act on your behalf and we don't take control of your complaint. Instead, we have set out to make it as easy as possible for you to get results.
Why you can trust us
Resolver's service for consumers is free. We share our expertise with companies who want to change the way they look at complaints. We don't sell your personal data.
Did you know?
6.28 million
complaints from 3.5 million users have been submitted via Resolver
Over £90m
in compensation has been claimed by Resolver users
of our users report an overall positive experience